Whistleblower Protection

In compliance with Act No 171/2023 Coll. on whistleblower protection

How to report a concern
A whistleblower is entitled to report wrongdoing to the Ministry of Justice (Vyšehradská 16, 128 10 Prague 2, phone: 221 997 840, e-mail: oznamovatel@msp.justice.cz, web: https://oznamovatel.justice.cz/chci-podat-oznameni/) and/or the responsible person through the internal whistleblowing system established by the obliged entity TIPAFROST, a.s., company number (IČ): 06626033, Kožichovice, Žďárského 188, 674 01, incorporated at Regional Court in Brno, section B, file 7867 (hereinafter referred to as the “obliged entity”) orally and/or in writing.
If the whistleblower requires so, the responsible person is obliged to accept the disclosure in person within a reasonable time, latest within 14 days.

Whistleblowers can report their concerns as follows:
– by an e-mail sent to oznameni@tipafrost.com; or
– by a letter addressed to TIPAFROST, a.s., Kožichovice, Žďárského 188, post code: 674 01,
for the attention of the responsible person, the envelope must be marked “Disclosure according to Act No 171/2023 Coll. on whistleblower protection” – do not open

Responsible person
Ivana Brožová
Phone: +420 724 145 990
E-mail: oznameni@tipafrost.com
The obliged entity will not receive any claims reported by a person who does not perform any work or another similar activity for the obliged entity pursuant to section 2 (3) a), b), h) or i) of Act No 171/2023 Coll. on whistleblower protection.